Am Die, den 18.05.2004 schrieb Michael Banck um 1:28:
> On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 01:03:51AM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> > Would it be an acceptable sollution, if we would hand out burned CDs
> > on request?
> Not entirely related to this, but still: Somebody said we'd have a full
> mirror available. So perhaps we could have put up signs saying 'CDs for
> the following architectures available on demand'. If somebody cares
> about powerpc or whatever, we could burn them a CD which he could fetch
> later on. I've read that in a report from a UK trade show once and it
> sounded pretty cool. This should get automated as much as possible I
> guess.
I just succeeded in building a dual-bootable i386/powerpc image. It's
just a combination of the i386 and powerpc netinst beta4 images and some
manual hacking in the Release file. You can find the image and the
script I used to burn the image on

This probably needs some more testing, to be sure it is really bootable
on the majority of i386 and powerpc hardware.

If you are still interested in dual-boot images for LinuxTag I will try
to automate and improve this process.


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