On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 03:21:54AM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> * Michael Banck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040518 01:28]:
> > If somebody cares about powerpc or whatever, we could burn them a CD
> > which he could fetch later on.
> At least one of the computers has a 52x burner [1].
Donno if it is a problem with my hardware but I made bad experience burning
faster then 12x. I burned about 10 Knoppix CDs and some Debian images for 
testing while working on the later canceled stuff for the CeBit. With
everything faster then 12x I've always files with non matching md5sum on the
Disk. In most cases you will not even note the problem cause you're not trying
to access that file but sometimes it's the initrd image or other important
files for booting. Might still be a problem with my hardware but I doubt that
it is.

If God passed a mic to me to speak
I'd say stay in bed, world
Sleep in peace
   [The Cardigans - No sleep]

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