On Nov 5, 2003, at 19:53, Axel Beckert wrote:
P.S.: I'll try to get my car equipped with four seats in time, but
     can't promise it. (Need to mount the rear seat belts before...)
     Anyone else will come by car, so we have a dynamically allocable
     transportation possibility. Or is public transport in Luxembourg
     also available in the late night?

Ok, it seems as if we have enough cars for possible transportation problems.


P.s.  it won't be possible for me to be at the linudays on friday
before lets say 1030. as i got a math paper before, and do want to
write it :)

Ok, so we really should meet tomorrow (Thursday) evening, even if we don't do the install on Thursday.

ok as well

P.p.s. when will the installation of the machines, and so on, start on
thursday ?

Somehow my mail to the organizers seems to be lost on its way, so I phoned today and got all infos I wanted. :-)

We can setup the booth until ca. 19:00, maybe 20:00, depends on the
janitor of the school... So we probably will install the both PCs we
get from the tutorials on Thursday and the more challenging Sparcs on
Friday morning...

i m interested in seeing that sparc :)

I would suggest to install one testing and one unstable on the both
PCs and a stable on my sparc, so we have all three flavours... That
also means that it would be nice to get Bob's x86 mirror on Thursday.

Bob: I'll phone you as soon as we know, when we (Dalibor and I) will
arrive, but I expect it to be between 17:00 and 18:00.

ok. thought it would be good if you could call me lets say 20 minutes before you re arriving.

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 01:47:08PM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
| dorm room goes for EUR 15.5, linen included.

Well, the bad news is: This is not as I expected per room but per person and night! So it would have been 31 EUR for everyone who wants to sleep at the youth hostel.

Thought so, still not bad price compared at the price of the hotel.

Ack. But compared to what I'm used to, it's about the double price of a German youth hostel (ok, five years ago maybe :-)...

And as said, i can provide transportation on friday evening/saturday


More infos from the organizers:

We'll get exhibitor badges, but without names. An edding pen should
work for "personalisation". ;-)

The social event is free for us and no presubscription nor driving to
town necessary. Beer is already there. :-))

We should get enough tables and chairs even though they couldn't tell
me how many.

There is one TP connection for us, so I'll bring switch and a few TP
cables. Sven and Bob: Can you bring TP cable for your boxes, too?

no problem. is the switch an 100 Mbit one ?

                Regards, Axel
Axel Beckert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://abe.home.pages.de/

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