Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis, on 2003-07-18, 10:40, you wrote:
> You're right, but it's a shame that german people of LinuxTag didn't catch
> in time the echo that such an event was having (has) in Europe. Don't be
> disappointed: many talks at Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux (while
> debconf1) where in french. That was a shame too.

I would not call it a shame. For me a talk is not just about bringing
technical facts to some kind of audience. I as the speaker am
responsible for attracting the audience's interest. I would feel ashamed 
and disappointed if _my_ audience sat in the room and was not interested or
making fun of me just because of my bad German/French. I am used to talk
to people so my personal gauge for delivering such a talk is rather
high. That is why I am not very happy with talking in english.


Joerg "joergland" Wendland
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