On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 21:41, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> What really puzzles me is that on linuxtag.de they qualify the exhibition
> as "EUROPEAN" and they have most of the talks in german. There is

Good point.  The official EU languages are English, French, and German.  
Therefore they should try and increase the use of French at LinuxTag to make 
it more European!  ;)

But seriously they should probably encourage speakers to give talks twice in 
English and German if possible, and if someone wants to give their talk three 
or four times in different languages they should be able to accomodate that 

The LinuxTag venue last year had many smaller rooms, a talk that gets 300 
delegates in English or German may only get 30 in French, Dutch, or Italian 
and fit into one of the smallest rooms.

There is another conference I've been to where every talk is repeated three 
times to give everyone an opportunity to see all talks that interest them.

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