* Rico -mc- Gloeckner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030717 20:24]:

> > Please go ahead.  We had some presence there two years ago already.
> Well iam neither Debian Developer,

Nor am I.

> nor experienced in organizing Events.

That excuse doesn't count. I tried it a year ago, too, but they catched
me ;)

> I would be glad to help people out, but someone else has to take the
> task of organizing.

It is quite easy: Read the stuff at www.debian.org/events/ , do your
best, and if someone complains about your lousy organization, tell him
to do better ;)

A bad representation is better than none at all. And especialy at the
CCC a amateurish appearance might became a benefit.

Yours sincerely,
PS: BTW: Someone from the CCC asked me at LinuxTag if we would like to
represent ourself at the camp ;)

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