On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 12:11:50AM +0200, Andreas Müller wrote:

> Establishment of a event group which ensures a professional event 
> appearance.

Hm, define professional... I don't think we have this "professionals".

> Good hardware, it will be begun with finding sponsors, who places 
> identical

Jep, that would be great, but think about transporting this hardware...,
we guess we don't have the money to snail mail such hardware.

> hardware.  Continues to be with a clear identification of the booth
> personnel .....

That woul'd help a lot, maybe some special T-shirts could to the job.

> I would find now further people, which support this idea.

I do, but also think that we have to discuss this very well.

> Again thanks for your assistance with the Linuxtag, special
> thanks to Joey.

Jep, of course - he did a great work :)

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