Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> * Michael Banck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030705 21:08]:
> > Can somebody confirm that this is really at the same time as the
> > official social event? How stupid can that be? I've never stayed
> > overnight at LinuxTag, but I've been told that the social event is
> > supposed to be quite nice.
> Funy, I can't find the date of the "official" social event. IMHO the
> last one was nice, but nothing special and expensive.

25. Will there be a social event?

     Yes, just as every year. And just like every year, details for it
     will be revealed very late. The social event is a gathering of
     people from businesses, community, speakers and organisers. This
     is usually a quite amazing mixture of suits and shirts. This
     year, the social event will take place in the [84]substage near
     the exhibition center on Friday, July 11th. It opens after the
     exhibition at 7pm and closes at 0:30am.

except that it will be in the Stadthalle and not in the Substage,
but I haven't had time to update the FAQ yet, since the change was
made very late.



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