Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> * Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030603 17:19]:
> [ Name more important than swirl ]
> > > Ist it? Please estimate how man people remember the name "Alexander
> > > Schmehl" (or any other Name) and how much recognize the Swirl.
> > How are you called usually?  Mr. Swirl or Alex, Alexander or Mr. Schmehl?
> Well, what I was trying to say, was, that people, who read my name
> probaly don't know very much. I'm not that famous, that people know my

Easy to change, just become more active :)

> name and can put it in the right category.
> But if they see the Swirl, most people will know, that I have something
> to do with the Debian Project, no matter how I'm called.
> So I tried to argue, that the name isn't more important than the swirl.

In that case we don't need named bages at all :-P



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