begin  quotation  from Andreas Mueller (in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):
> Arne W. : beamer, sparc, i386, 3 TFT 

I still need someone with a car I can put these things in. I don't have
one. Maybe Jörg W?

> Booth-plan
> The plan looks like this, 3 persons for 2h, 1 person stay ready upon
> request. At Saturday and
> Sunday ( many people expected ) we run with 4 and 1 ready for request.
> Booth Personal wear a free debian-shirt with a name plate, somebody is
> able to print them ?
> Please resend to me


setup booth Wed. 7- 22 < > 

TH   9-11  < >
      11-13  <x>
      13-15  <x>
      15-18  <x>

FR   9-11  < >
      11-13  <x>
      13-15  <x>
      15-18  <x>
SA   9-11  < >
      11-13  < >
      13-15  < >
      15-18  < >
SU   9-11  < >
      11-13  <x>
      13-16  <x>
booth degration 
      17-18  <x>


<ThePhonk> *tueteKlammernUeberVariableAuskipp* Dereferenzier Dich, Du

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