On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 04:47:47AM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> * Nicolas Kratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030602 02:56]:

Hi Alexander,
> > >  a. "Officials" see that and think "Hmm, let's take a close look to
> > >  the CD." - maybe you could run in difficults.
> > If the "Officials" take a look at the CD and there is no such label,
> > _then_ there could be trouble, whether legally grounded or not.
> "Could this", "might that". Anything we know for sure?
For sure is that we can only give away CD's to minors containing games
after it got rated for money by the FSK(?) and has one of their labels.
In cases where a CD (or DVD etc.) is not rated and has no offical label
it's for 18+ only. So if we don't pay and give away the CD to minors Grisu,
myself and maybe Joey will have the risk to get sued.

> > Other way around, with label: They say "You cannot distribute the CD
> > to minors", then we say "We don't. Haven't you read the label?" Not
> > likely anyways, IMO.
> I think, there is only one thing, which is more foolish, than making a
> foolish law: Follow this foolish law, so I don't think, we should put
> any label on the CDs.
I don't think that we would follow this law with a parody. IMO it's a
way of protest against this law.

Anyway it was a suggestion. If you prefer to stay out of this political
discussion and just try to develop high quality software that's ok. :)

Have a nice day,

It really sucks to give your heart to a girl
You want to know her like she knows the whole world
But 10 seconds in, it's obvious, your going nowhere...
[Bowling for Soup - Drunk Enough To Dance - I Don't Wanna Rock]

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