
Am Mon, 2003-06-02 um 15.26 schrieb Alexander Schmehl:
> > I don't think that we would follow this law with a parody. IMO it's a
> > way of protest against this law.
> Then I think we should make the parody as clear as possible and make
> the "18+ only contains freeciv" label as big as possible, so every damn
> idiot should understand that as an parody.

Well, this might be paranoid, but what if freeciv turns out to be too
bad to be for all ages (You do wage war and try to gain world domination
in this game. Which is sadly quite realistic, but still could have a
"bad influence" on kids). I thought about what other game would fit, and
I'd propose tuxracer (the opensource version), but maybe somebody else
knows a well known, open source, totally and unquestionably good as in
not evil game?


Joachim Breitner 
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Joachim Breitner 
  e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Homepage: http://www.joachim-breitner.de
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