On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 05:28:53PM +0100, Michael Vogt wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 04:47:23PM +0100, Joost van Baal wrote:
> > I'll leave by car for Enschede within 3 hours (I hope).  Joey, at what
> > time do you arrive?  I assume there's a place in the woodhouse this
> > nigth, is there somebody on the terrain tonight who can show me the way?
> I plan to arrive tomorrow at 11:25 in Enschede by train. Is this early 
> enough to be at the Debian Workshop in time?

The workshop/BoF is on wednesday from 12 o'clock until 18 o'clock.

> Does anyone know how to
> travel from Enschede Trainstation to the university? Or should I take a 
> train earlier (in Enschede at 10:55) ?

Busses leave just in front of Enschede Central Railway station to the
University; just ask there.  around six times an hour, as Remco van de
Meent said.  Thist takes about something in the half-an-hour scale,
iirc.  A train earlier might be less stressful.

> Do we need anything more for the 
> booth?

I take Tshirts, everybody seems to bring hardware, Joey brings flyers,
Thomas brings a huge A0 poster.  I will bring one poster.  One more
might be nice.

See you,


                               . .
Joost van Baal                .   .
                              .   .                 http://mdcc.cx/
                               . .

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