On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 12:14:58PM +0100, Joost van Baal wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 11:48:00AM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > 
> > Then scratch that.  Remind me on Tuesday evening to take some of
> > the remaining LinuxTag CD's with me (pre-woody)
> I will remind you.

I do now!

On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 12:20:43PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Joost van Baal wrote:
> > Could anybody get flyers printed, to hand out at the booth?
> Good point, I still have a lot of english/german ones.   Remind me on
> tuesday to move them to the bags for Enshede.

One more!

I'll leave by car for Enschede within 3 hours (I hope).  Joey, at what
time do you arrive?  I assume there's a place in the woodhouse this
nigth, is there somebody on the terrain tonight who can show me the way?

I'll bring with me:

 A Sun SPARCStation 20, running Debian GNU/Linux (woody), with a big monitor
 An Intel Pentium 187 running Debian GNU/Hurd (I planned to have X
  running on it, didn't succeed (yet)), with an old small monitor
 Some UTP cables
 A hub
 Some powercables
 50 Tshirts, to sell
 A poster

People who'll attend:

 Robert van der Meulen
 Geert Stappers
 Paul Slootman
 Wichert Akkerman

People who'll help with the booth:

 Joost van Baal (all days)
 Michael Vogt (all days)
 Stijn de Bekker (when?)
 Russell Coker (I can't promise a great deal of time, but I'll definately be
 Remco van de Meent (Not 100% sure yet, though.)
 Marcel Harkema (?)
 Jos Boerseman (thursday afternoon)
 Martin "Joey" Schulze (all days?)
 Michael Bramer (which days?)
 Thomas Lange (which days?)

This looks quite ok, I guess.  (Please correct me where I'm wrong or

Joey, on thursday afternoon Jos, a friend of mine, who offered to help
with the booth is coming.  Would it be possible for him to get in for
fl 0,-?  He is not gonna attend any talks.



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