On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 03:00:01PM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > having discussed about the new lt2k1-CD with ref and Joey on #debian.de
> > yesterday, we decided that in the current situation (BF's not ready and
> > probably won't be to the right time), the best solution is to use a
> > Potato-CD similar to the last year ones. Some upgrades should be on this
> > disk:
> I guess this is the best solution if there should be any cd since:
> Bluehorn: 0 time
> ref: 0 time
> rb: 0 time
> Peter: 0 time
> zomb: little time
> grisu: 0 time
> Joey: 0 time

s/grisu: 0 time/grisu: same time/

I don't spend my time in the woody boot-floppies, and I work now on
the CD. 
> However, how likely is it to have a working beta at the beginning
> of next week?  If we don't manage that, we'll have to drop the idea
> due to 0 time to get it pressed.

ok. I have a working (?) CD.

I get the last debian-cd from CVS and my mirror and make a CD with:
 - _potato BF's (2.2.23-2001-04-15)
 - alle Packages from woody (of course only 942 Packages)

I have make a test Installation and it work nice. (apt-get make the
magic). (if you don't make a 'select all in tasksel') On the CD is no
 - kde (don't we have kde in woody now?)
 - non-free
 - woody-secured (apt-cdrom problem)

I plan to delete the image-1.20 and image-2.88 on the CD. I get with
this deletion 26 MB space on the CD.

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
"Die gute alte Zeit ist nichts anderes als eine  rückwärts datierte Utopie."
                                                           (Erich Wiesner)

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