Torsten Landschoff wrote:
> - Package lists:

It is supposed to be
The list there is a first draft where I put together some important
packages that came to my mind. Of course, dependencies pull lots of
packages, and we'll probably include recommended packages, too, as we
did last year. (This will be done automatically by the script I posted
sometime ago.)

> As you see we can use a lot of help. In particular we need
> - good package lists for end users, with some nice killer applications

If somebody would like to help with this one, feel free to look over
last year's list of packages, and consider which packages should be
included this year as well. There is LOTS of stuff still missing in the

> - some people working on the boot floppies. 

Indeed... Last year, Peter and I (especially Peter) had to hack the
boot-floppies in the last minute to make them even install... Grisu
suggested that we'd first start with potato boot floppies, and if we
have enough time, try to get the woody boot floppies to work for us
which would be the prefered solution, of course. Language chooser or
debootstrap from woody boot floppies would especially be nice...
Speaking of language, last year we had German boot floppies which I
think was really neat... I think we should try to do that this year,
too. Grisu? Peter?


Roland Bauerschmidt

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