>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Braakman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Richard> On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 10:03:33AM +1000, Brian May Richard> wrote: >> I set the severity to important, as I feel that bbdb support is >> important for gnus, and also, because I think it should be easy >> to fix (if you know what you are doing --- I don't). Richard> [...] >> I don't think it is worth dropping the package though. Richard> Classic mistake. The "important" severity is misnamed. Richard> It doesn't mean "this bug is important", it means "this Richard> package is unfit for release". How do you say "this bug is important enough to be fixed for frozen"? Often, for instance, there are times when a really simple bug causes a package to break seriously for some users. While the package should not get dropped if it isn't fixed in time, it still looks bad for Debian as a whole if this stuff gets released. -- Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>