On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 02:17:09PM -0700, Tom Lear wrote:
> Is it just me or is netscape crashing more recently?  Every machine that I
> have following unstable is having problems with netscape crashing, but the
> machines following stable work fine.

I recently upgraded to unstable completely from a mixed stable/unstable
machine, and noticed the same thing. At the same time I installed unstable from
scratch on another machine and RH6.0 on a third machine. After a lot of
swearing over netcape crashing all the time on all of them, I noticed they were
all running libc6 variants. I downloaded the libc6 version of netscape 4.6 when
it was released, it also crashed a lot. Then I tried the libc5 version of 4.6,
and no more crashes (well, at least not any more than the version found in

Jonas Munsin          Physics student at Åbo Akademi | A social life?
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ph: +358-(0)40-5257809 | Where can I
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