On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 02:17:09PM -0700, Tom Lear wrote:
> Is it just me or is netscape crashing more recently?  Every machine that I
> have following unstable is having problems with netscape crashing, but the
> machines following stable work fine.

There is apparently an egcs optimization bug that miscompiles a few object
files that are included in the X libraries.  I am aware of Red Hat's fix
for this and it is a ghastly kludge.  I'm trying to come up with something
slightly less vomit-inducing for the next release of the X libraries

Alternatively, if egcs 2.95 is out and packaged before I release -5
(probably next week), that may have the fix.

This bug did not crop up in slink/stable because GNU gcc was still the
standard compiler at that point (I think -- my memory can't hold anything
prior to about 2 previous Debian X releases :) ).

G. Branden Robinson              |
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   Mob rule isn't any prettier just because
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |   you call your mob a government.
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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