* Marcus Brinkmann said:
> On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 01:03:46AM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
> > 3. Most programmers would write code in C
> Yeah, uh. But that's the point isn't it?
No, that's the reality.

> The current dpkg is written in C. How many programmers are working on it?
Again, that's not an argument. People come and people go, and more of them
know C than C++. Besides, ech..., how can you draw an argument like this???
Is that a reason to write dpkg in Heskell, because the current maintainer
fancies that? And what if he gets tired maintainig it? And what about
compatibility? Extensibility? Interoperability? They don't matter at all,

> The only contributions to our packaging systems today are done with C++
> (apt), and perl (install methods).
Yes, yes. But you won't be able to use perl with C++ libraries.


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