* Ossama Othman said:

>  > mean, you can buy a small car - a "shopping bag on wheels" and then buy a
>  > new engine just to be able to tow a trailer :)) - it is possible, but not
>  > cost-effective and sensible - you can buy a larger and stronger car at once
>  > :)). Maybe the example isn't perfect, but it shows what I have in mind :)).
> Oh boy, here we go again. :-)  The fact of the matter is that we can go
> on debating endlessly about C/C++ virtues.  There are many reasons why
Of course we can :)) I, personally, like both languages and just use them as
a tool - I have nothing against C++ and I'm not a sworn C fan :)) - I'm just
trying to find a proper way in this case :))

> rewriting dpkg in C++ instead of C would be good, and there are many
> reasons to stick with C.  It just so happens that I believe that the
> advantages of implementing a dpkg rewrite in C++ outweigh the
> disadvantages, IMHO.
Well, if we are talking from the purely conceptual point of view, then you
have my vote for C++, but when we are talking about environment and
conditions where dpkg is used, C has it all. You have to admit that the *nix
wold is rather conservative about programming languages :)))))))) - C wins :)

> For an excellent and huge example of a C++ wrapper library in use
> take a look at ACE.  Doug Schmidt's web site (papers, etc.) also
I remember seeing it on some CD, it's an Asynchronous Communications
Environment, or does my memory fail? :)))

> provides many advantages of using C++ libraries, in addition to why C++
> wrapper libraries have advantages.  The ACE web site is:
>       http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html
Thanks for the pointer, I will surely read the pages!! Thanks again.

>  > the second one - Ockham's Rule says "chose the simpler approach, the 
> simpler
>  > the better"
> Thanks! :-)
Anytime :)))


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