> Ideally, we need a version of the logo that can be reproduced in one
> or two colors.  That way it can go directly on a CD or be printed
> inexpensively.  Full-color printing can be rather expensive.

And it should scale well, from fairly large to quite small.  This means
lines and *simple* curves, and probably solid shapes rather than
outlines.  Red Hat did it right, Debian didn't, quite.  (A rare
exception to the usual rule.:)

In any case, even if we do decide to make a better *logo*, we can keep
ol' blue-eyes around as the official Debian mascot or something (in case
people are worried that this is all some plot to get rid of him).
Chris Waters   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I have a truly elegant proof of the
or   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | above, but it is too long to fit into
http://www.dsp.net/xtifr     | this .signature file.

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