Quoting Otto Kekäläinen (2025-03-21 17:33:00)
> > > > Question: Should uncoordinated NMUs unilaterally choose Salsa as the VCS
> > > > for a package?
> > >
> > > Why are you opposed to using Salsa as the VCS for cpuset? You use
> > > Salsa for many other packages and Github for some others.
> > >
> > I am not opposed to using Salsa. As you note, I already use it for other
> > packages.
> >
> > The nature of my question (which I took considerable time articulating
> > in order ensure that it was clear, but which apparently was not) has to
> > do with the appropriateness of *unilaterally* declaring Salsa as the VCS
> > in an *NMU*.
> Just curious to understand what is the reason you have signed up for
> https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu ?
> If you want more people to collaborate on maintaining your packages,
> should you also move them to version control and preferably also host
> at https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ in a namespace that is most
> accessible for collaboration?
> Or should we add an extra column to
> https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu where people can mark that
> they want co-maintainers or NMUs but specifically want the
> collaboration to be done without using version control?

There is collaboration and there is cooperation.

NMUing is working on packages that someone else are responsible for,
without coordinating that work ahead of time, just informing after the
fact that the changes was done (and then being responsible for any mess
the changes might cause).

I am not Robert, but similarly have singed up for low-threshold NMUing
which I expect to mean that I permit doing narrow fixes without prior
coordination - but not restructuring of the maintenance code.

Similarly, I have messed up myself when wanting to help quickfix
packages maintained by the Rust team, because I updated upstream source
as an NMU without noticing that the Rust team do not track upstream
source as the Debian source, but instead treats the pre-packaged
distribution material from https://crates.io/ and my introducing source
from Github-released tarballs confused the build routines for the team.

Wanting and encourating collaboration does not necessarily equal wanting
Salsa-style collaboration, nor does it equal uncoordinated collaboration
(which I equate to the weaker cooperation, but I might have messed up
the terms - I am not well versed in "move fast and break things"

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
 * Sponsorship: https://ko-fi.com/drjones

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