Hi, > > > Question: Should uncoordinated NMUs unilaterally choose Salsa as the VCS > > > for a package? > > > > Why are you opposed to using Salsa as the VCS for cpuset? You use > > Salsa for many other packages and Github for some others. > > > I am not opposed to using Salsa. As you note, I already use it for other > packages. > > The nature of my question (which I took considerable time articulating > in order ensure that it was clear, but which apparently was not) has to > do with the appropriateness of *unilaterally* declaring Salsa as the VCS > in an *NMU*.
Just curious to understand what is the reason you have signed up for https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu ? If you want more people to collaborate on maintaining your packages, should you also move them to version control and preferably also host at https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ in a namespace that is most accessible for collaboration? Or should we add an extra column to https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu where people can mark that they want co-maintainers or NMUs but specifically want the collaboration to be done without using version control?