Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Thomas Goirand <>

* Package name    : mgmt
  Version         : 0.0.26.git.2024.10.25.85e1d6c0e8
  Upstream Contact: James Shubin <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : next generation config management

 Mgmt is a real-time automation tool. It is familiar to existing configuration
 management software, but is drastically more powerful as it can allow you to
 build real-time, closed-loop feedback systems, in a very safe way, and with a
 surprisingly small amount of our mcl code. For example, the following code
 will ensure that your file server is set to read-only when it's friday.
 It can run continuously, intermittently, or on-demand, and in the first case,
 it will guarantee that your system is always in the desired state for that
 instant! In this mode it can run as a decentralized cluster of agents across
 your network, each exchanging information with the others in real-time, to
 respond to your changing needs.

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