Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Alexander Sulfrian <>

* Package name    : python-enaml
  Version         : 0.18.0
  Upstream Contact: Matthieu C. Dartiailh <>
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-3-clause
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Declarative DSL for building rich user interfaces in Python

Enaml is a programming language and framework for creating professional
quality user interfaces with minimal effort. Enaml combines a domain specific
declarative language with a constraints based layout system to allow users to
easily define rich UIs with complex and flexible layouts. Enaml applications
can be run on any platform which supports Python and Qt.

A few highlights of the framework:

 * A declarative language which extends the grammar of Python
 * A set of operators which automatically track runtime dependencies
 * A layout system which uses symbolic constraint declarations
 * A design which encourages model-view separation
 * A well documented and easy to follow code base

This is a dependency for InkCut which I also intend to package.

I plan to maintain this package as part of the Debian Python team.

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