Marvin Renich <> writes:
> * Russ Allbery <> [250126 12:47]:

>> In theory it would be possible to do better in Lintian by scanning the
>> symbol table to see if the libc dependency is really unneeded. But
>> doing that sounds at least a little annoying.

> Annoying to users of lintian or annoying to implement?  How so?

Annoying to implement because I think the implementation would have to
know what symbols are provided by libc.

> I thought of this solution while reading earlier in this thread, and it
> seems like the "correct" solution to me.  What is wrong with it?

Nothing so far as I know. It's just work, and if people don't think that
the problem is likely to occur, maybe the work isn't worth doing and the
tag should just be deleted.

> Clearly the current state is a bug in lintian, as so many packages
> override this error.  And from your description, the test has a
> significant purpose that is still needed in the situations it was
> intended to catch, even if they are few.

Well, I'm not sure I would go that far. It *had* a significant purpose; we
added it originally because it was catching a real problem. But it's
entirely possible that this was an artifact of build systems at the time
and the state of build systems in the archive has gotten much better.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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