On Jan 24, 2025 22:24, Xiyue Deng <manp...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Fabio Fantoni <fantonifa...@tiscali.it> writes: 

> > 

> > ... 

> > 

> > There is also another thing to consider, if you keep a generic one as 

> > default it always points to the latest version, while a specific one 

> > might not be the latest version and if the contributors do not check 

> > well the branches they could risk wasting time (and maybe also the 

> > reviewers) doing work that does not include work in progress on more 

> > recent branch or that conflicts with it 

> > 


> I would like to echo on this point.  I had worked on a repository that 

> has the "master" branch marked as the default branch on Salsa, which 

> lacks many changes compared to the released version.  I tried to 

> manually incorporate those changes, and only later found out that the 

> actual latest branch is "debian/sid" and it did have everything 

> up-to-date.  (Note that this has since been fixed[1]).  I think for new 

> repository, standardizing on a name (either "debian/latest" or people's 

> liking) helps identify where the latest work goes to.  And as Salvo 

> pointed out, it's the tag names that indicate where the releases go to, 

> not the branch names. 


> [1] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/mozc 

What you experience shows one thing: having the default branch being set 
correctly should be what we mandate. NOT the name of it, which could be 
different than the standards for many reason.

Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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