Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Andrew Bower <>

* Package name    : xchpst
  Version         : 0.2.0
  Upstream Contact: Andrew Bower <>
* URL             :
* License         : Expat
  Programming Lang: C
  Description     : eXtended CHange Process STate

 xchpst is an extended rewrite of runit's chpst that adds control of
 Linux namespaces and capabilities. This tool can be used to launch
 system services from runscripts with hardening options including
 isolated and transient parts of the filesystem hierarchy and a
 read-only system.
 xchpst is backwards compatible with chpst and a scheme is proposed for
 runscripts to be able to benefit from xchpst hardening options when
 xchpst is installed and transparently fall back to chpst-compatible
 options enacted by chpst when it is not.

I intend to maintain this package in the debian namespace on salsa
once sponsored; meanwhile, I am preparing the package at

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