Hi,This is an update on the MBF for `Rules-Requires-Root: no` as the new default.
# Qualitative updates: * The bugs have all been filed. Most where filed on Dec 7, but I had to file 15 special cases manually, which happened Dec 14. * A number of permission denied issues have been identified. Usually around `dh_strip`. Three common solutions have been: a) Calling `dh_fixperms` before `dh_strip`. That is what `dh` does in compat 13. Note this changes in compat 14, but compat 14 will introduce a change to `dh_auto_install` to counter this problem. b) Calling `chmod -R u+rwX debian/tmp` (etc.) right after doing the upstream install. This is what `dh_auto_install` will do in compat 14+. c) Migrating from `cdbs` to `dh`. This is basically a variant of a) because `cdbs` and `dh` had different command orders, which the Perl team has favored. * I have scheduled a 15-delayed NMU for libjama, which is the only confirmed case of misbuilding, meaning the fix should be in unstable before the end of the year. The "possible misbuild" cases are still unknown. These were filed on Dec 14, so the maintainers may not have had time to look at them yet. * I had a minor mistake in the number of bugs in my original, which was largely offset by the fixes done by people before I filed the bugs. Nevertheless, if you were wondering about the numbers being off, then that is why. # How you can help with progress * You can tag the bug with `help` if you get stuck trying to get a better solution. There are several people working on this who are very happy to do patches and the upload, if you are out of Debian time, capacity, or just want to focus on something else in Debian. * Remember that `Rules-Requires-Root: binary-targets` is a perfectly serviceable solution if you do not have time to look into a full fix. Slab that line in, upload, and your package is off the TODO list. * reviewable-patch.{list,dd-list}: Bugs that have a patch or a MR, for the maintainer to review. Note: A lot of the patches are from the last 48 hours, so there is no expectation from me that the maintainer had time to review them. * pending-upload.{list,dd-list}: Bugs where the maintainer either committed a patch to the repo or acknowledged the patch in the BTS. Please consider uploading soon. :)Note: The list have been manually curated and are therefore **not** 1:1 with the BTS tags above. I am not sure I can commit to manually curating with every update.
# Quantitative updates: In total, 221 bugs where filed under the usertag: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=rrr-no-as-default-issue;users=ni...@thykier.net Numbers as of this email: * 52 are resolved (24%). * 8 are tagged pending (3.5%) * 13 are tagged patch excluding pending (6%)If all patches were applied and uploaded in this instant, we would have been 34% done with the bugs. I think there are also some pending RMs, but I have not included them (I am trying to keep the manual crossing checking to a minimum).
# ThanksThanks to all the people who have fixed their packages so far, provided patches or done NMUs! We would not have been this far without you.
Best regards, Niels
Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <a...@inittab.org> modsecurity-apache tripwire Benjamin Mako Hill <m...@debian.org> most Christoph Biedl <debian.a...@manchmal.in-ulm.de> schroot Davide G. M. Salvetti <sa...@debian.org> witalian Debian HA Maintainers <debian-ha-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org> heartbeat Debian X Strike Force <debia...@lists.debian.org> xorg Ervin Hegedus <airw...@gmail.com> modsecurity-apache (U) Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk> sauce Jakob Haufe <su...@debian.org> schroot (U) Magnus Holmgren <holmg...@debian.org> libspf2 Michael Stone <mst...@debian.org> argus Santiago García Mantiñán <ma...@debian.org> bridge-utils Valentin Vidic <vvi...@debian.org> heartbeat (U) Wouter Verhelst <wou...@debian.org> extrepo
Andreas Barth <a...@ayous.org> mgetty Anibal Monsalve Salazar <ani...@debian.org> libjama David Bremner <brem...@debian.org> nullmailer Debian Policy Editors <debian-pol...@lists.debian.org> debian-policy Giuseppe Sacco <eppes...@debian.org> hylafax Hakan Ardo <ha...@debian.org> ftpwatch Joachim Wiedorn <joodeb...@joonet.de> hylafax (U) Mark Hindley <lee...@debian.org> ucf Peter S Galbraith <p...@debian.org> xplot Ritesh Raj Sarraf <r...@debian.org> dict-gcide Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> debian-policy (U) Sean Whitton <spwhit...@spwhitton.name> debian-policy (U)
argus bridge-utils extrepo heartbeat libspf2 modsecurity-apache most tripwire witalian xorg sauce schroot
ucf hylafax dict-gcide ftpwatch mgetty nullmailer xplot libjama debian-policy
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