On Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 08:03:49PM +0100, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> I suspect the RFS process would be more successful in finding a sponsor
> if the requests went to debian-devel rather than another opt-in mailing
> list.  I rarely go looking for more work to do by viewing
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=sponsorship-requests;dist=unstable
> so I would never find a RFS unless someone ping'ed a packaging group
> that I'm part of to help.

Do you think people who aren't interested in reviewing or sponsoring
random packages and so don't go to the link you provided will sometimes
sponsor some package they noticed on d-devel@? Or how should this change
increase the sponsorship rate?

> The noise level of debian-devel would go up, but if we collectively find
> RFS being ignored a serious problem, then maybe making noise about a
> serious problem is a good idea.

Not sure if this is correct reasoning. We, the project, likely find RFS
being ignored a serious problem, but Constitution 2.1.1 doesn't leave us
with many tools to solve it. OTOH if some DD personally finds this a
serious problem and wants to solve it they should go to the BTS link you
provided and do reviews/sponsoring (though if you want to do the former
without the latter consider
https://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2024/07/msg00164.html). This may
also be useful experience for learning more about the problem and its


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