Soren Stoutner <> writes:

> On Wednesday, December 4, 2024 10:30:34 AM MST Andreas Tille wrote:
>> Am Mon, Dec 02, 2024 at 06:15:22PM -0700 schrieb Soren Stoutner:
>> > I think one of the best things we could do to attract new contributors, 
> and
>> > to encourage those who are currently Sponsored Maintainers to become 
> Debian
>> > Maintainers, and those who are current Debian Maintainers to become Debian
>> > Developers would be to create an official DPL Mentors Delegation.  This
>> > would build on the excellent work Phil Wyett is currently doing as the
>> > unofficial Mentors Triage.
>> Speaking both with and without my DPL hat, I don't think a delegation is
>> necessary. Instead, I would prefer to establish a way to direct sponsees
>> to the appropriate team for their package. From my experience, the teams
>> I work with are quite effective at sponsoring packages that fit their
>> scope and are maintained within the team's Git repository. I believe
>> that ensuring a package fits properly into a team is a key prerequisite
>> for a good sponsor-sponsee relationship.
>> When I was regularly monitoring ITPs, I noticed that newcomers often
>> struggle to "find friends" (i.e., sponsors). In my opinion, what we need
>> is someone to guide sponsees to the appropriate team, Salsa group, or
>> similar space. This role doesn't require a delegation since it doesn't
>> involve authority, but rather a deep understanding of Debian's structure
>> and workflows.
> I have directed several RFS (Request For Sponsor) towards appropriate teams, 
> when then exist.  However, my personal experience is that the majority of RFS 
> that come into Debian Mentors do not fit neatly into any existing team.

I suspect the RFS process would be more successful in finding a sponsor
if the requests went to debian-devel rather than another opt-in mailing
list.  I rarely go looking for more work to do by viewing;dist=unstable

so I would never find a RFS unless someone ping'ed a packaging group
that I'm part of to help.  The noise level of debian-devel would go up,
but if we collectively find RFS being ignored a serious problem, then
maybe making noise about a serious problem is a good idea.

FWIW, I took a look at the RFS list now for writing this e-mail and
found "libunistring" which is an important library that I know
relatively well, and build-depend on for libidn2, and would be happy to
review and help work on it.  Hopefully I'll manage to review and upload
it.  So this being brought up on debian-devel did nudge me into looking
for things to help with.


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