
Quoting phil995511 - (2024-11-22 02:29:31)
> Only kernel 6.13 will support the new GPUs that will be released in early
> 2025, the new Intel CPUs, the same for a whole bunch of new hardware...
> To be satisfied with kernel 6.12 would in my opinion be a big strategic
> mistake jeopardizing compatibility with hardware new or old Debian users.

every new kernel release brings new features. Different users find different
features differently important to them. You could make the same argument for
kernel 6.14 or 6.15 which will also bring new features and then you'd be
waiting for *the one* release forever.

> Besides, kernel 6.12 is not yet officialized as LTS and if Debian slightly
> pushes back the release date of version 13 to adopt kernel 6.13, kernel.org
> will elect kernel 6.13 as LTS and not 6.12 !!

Source please.

> And backport takes several months after the release of a new edition of
> Debian to make new kernels available. On the other hand, the kernels offered
> in backport are not always very recent either, sometimes they are not even
> supported anymore on the security side...

This is just not true. Uploads to backports usually happen within *days* not
months after the versioned transitioned to testing. Please refrain from making
false claims to support your argument. If you do not even want to wait the few
days it takes, join the kernel team and help them do the necessary work.

> Regarding the choice of Init or SytemD, I believe it is up to the end user to
> choose whether he wants to keep the basic philosophy of Unix by choosing to
> use Init or if he prefers to use SystemD which is a product developed by a
> company owned by Read Hat, a giant in the commercial computer industry.
> Devuan offers users several init managers to choose from, this is what
> Debian should have offered since Debian 8 in 2015... you should never have
> argued about this and made the Debian project lose developers who preferred
> to stay true to their ideas and who had to create Devuan for that.

This is a project run by volunteers. If you want to change something, come and
join us and do the work that you think is right but please bear in mind that
your work is a part of a greater whole and we are doing this work together and
not against each other. If you dislike the greater whole, then this is exactly
what derivatives are for. I maintain a Debian derivative myself because it
makes doing things easier which would not fit into Debian. I don't think
anybody on this list would have a bad feeling if you decide for yourself that
Devuan fits your needs better than Debian.


cheers, josch

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