Marc Haber <> writes:

> For adduser's next release, I would like to discuss the following
> things:
> (1)
> Should Debian allow UTF-8 user names in the first place or should we
> restrict names for regular users to some us-ascii near set as well? (I
> think yes, we should)

would allowing utf-8 enable some of the abuse described at ?

as usernames appear in logs and other output (and are passed to all
sorts of commands), it seems a bad idea to be too permissive or to
change from historic practice by default, even though from a user pov it
would be nice to have the option

> P.S.: The teams and inviduals working on src:shadow, base-passwd and
> adduser would appreciate your help in coding and packaging.

Is there a list of "things that need doing"?

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