Hi Samuel. Thanks, that was very helpful. I'm using an older HP stream laptop. When I used the net installer to install bookworm, it saw my internal card, but the latest testing image didn't so I had to use an USB speaker it did see. After installing the system did come up talking from my internal sound card though so I assumed it was fine because Orca had no problems. After reading your message I booted using my USB speaker and found speakup works fine through that speaker. So for some reason it's not working with my internal sound card which is working because Orca speaks on the login screen.

On 11/16/2024 4:10 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:

Mike Coulombe, le sam. 16 nov. 2024 16:07:04 -0800, a ecrit:
  When installing using the latest testing image I get no speech in the
console, but from the terminal espeakup shows it's installed and running.
Did you check the audio volumes?

Perhaps also check what

journalctl -u espeakup

has to say.


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