Is there a program in Debian that will tell me the sound card this computer has? If not, I'll look it up and let you know.

On 11/16/2024 4:59 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
Mike Coulombe, le sam. 16 nov. 2024 16:45:31 -0800, a ecrit:
When I used the net installer to install bookworm, it saw my
internal card, but the latest testing image didn't so I had to use an USB
speaker it did see.
Ah, then espeakup is kept configured to use that card. Change ALSA_CARD
in /etc/default/espeakup

the latest testing image didn't [see my internal card]
Then as usual we need more information on your internal card, to know
what could be missing inside the installer, such as firmware or whatnot.


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