
I'm preparing to replace src:fuse-umfuse-fat with
which "has been developed as a replacement for fusefat"
(the previous upstream, same vendor, not really relevant),
and "is based on the FAT file system module for embedded systems
named fatfs by ChaN".

This is http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/.
A DCS query for "FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module" yields
  * micropython
  * swupdate
  * tinyusb
  * dolphin-emu

Actually, micropython's one is a fork:
  /* This file is part of ooFatFs, a customised version of FatFs
   * See https://github.com/micropython/oofatfs for details
leaving us with
  swupdate     R0.14a
  dolphin-emu  R0.14b
  tinyusb      R0.15 w/patch1
  fusefatfs    R0.15 w/patch1

Per changelog in http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/updates.html,
R0.14[ab] are compatible, just bugfixes (as expected).
R0.15 is not, and needs a migration.

It's impossible to build a libfatfs.so,
because it's heavily build-time-configured (ffconf.h);
all surveyed programs deviate from the provided config.

The config header is strongly versioned against ff.h
(and ff.c) and errors out if it's mismatched.
The config changes a little bit between R0.14a and R0.14b
(but trivially, and to an extent that can be easily patched downstream
 by diff -u ff14a/source/ffconf.h ffconf.h > d
    cp ff14b/source/ffconf.h .
    patch -p1 < d
 and putting the result in d/patches).
The config changes significantly between R0.14* and R0.15
(as expected for a migration-needing version anyway).

dolphin-emu further patches its fatfs by:
  s/_T\(EXT\)?(/FATFS_&/ (these macros aren't actually used by dolphin,
                          but they are fatfs API)
-                       if (((BYTE)c & 0xF1) == 0xF0) pb->ct = 3;       /* 
4-byte sequence? */
+                       if (((BYTE)c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) pb->ct = 3;       /* 
4-byte sequence? */
  which is a bugfix also included in fatfs 0.15

swupdate adds some licence comments, but nothing material.

I started writing this to propose some sort of hoisting,
but this no longer appears feasible. Ah well.


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