
On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 at 04:12, Nicolas Peugnet <nico...@club1.fr> wrote:
> > If there is interest in providing a page that only list the tag
> > description (without the affected packages), it would be easier to add
> > it to the existing UDD page (with an additional parameter for example)
> > than to create a separate service.
> As I said, The reason I made this is because it was very frustrating to
> click on links to lintian.debian.org as a newbie. Each time, I expected
> to see more information about the tag to help me understand what it
> exactly meant and how to fix it.
> Currently these links lead to nowhere. I think this should be fixed as
> it adds a lot of friction for newcomers.

+1 to this and the rest of Nicolas' message.

Additionally I wanted to raise that a lot of newcomers use search
engines to learn what the issues are. Also when discussing code
quality with upstream developers, they might be interested to learn
more, and when they enter in a search machine e.g.
'executable-in-usr-share-docbase' they will get zero relevant results.

When lintian.debian.org was running, it used to always be the top
result and an easy place to refer upstreams and newcomers to read up
on the issue.

Nicolas' implementation (https://lintian.club1.fr/) to list all tags
on one page and link to UDD seems like a reasonable compromise in
functionality and maintenance effort.

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