Hi Philip (2024.05.21_10:05:59_+0000)
> Attempts at top-down imposition of new methods on Debian strike me as
> being unlikely to induce joy in anyone involved.

Yeah, that doesn't fly in community projects like Debian at all.

However, there is a gap between getting a DEP approved and getting the
rest of the project to fully embrace it. That's something that takes
some leadership in the project. DPLs are in a great position to help
drive these changes forward.

> I suspect that there's a decent chunk of developers who generally just
> follow the status quo of every package they work on, without fuss.

Yeah, probably most.

> I rather like dgit for reducing the extent I have to think about this
> sort of thing, but I note that at least one person in this thread seems
> vexed by it, so we cannot even agree on the merits of that, apparently.

On the other hand, dgit is only useful if you have a certain view of the
world, that hasn't aligned with how I've done Debian packaging. I mean,
an entirely git-centric view where you let go of trying to maintain your
patch stack. So, I've only very briefly played with it. I imagine many
in the project have similarly little experience using it.

The tricky thing with tools like this is that you need to invest a lot
of time using the tool to really get a feel for what it's good / bad at.
You probably need to use it to maintain a complex package, for a while.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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