On Tue, Apr 07, 1998 at 10:24:42PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
> >>"David" == David Welton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> David> If we won't even set a default prompt, what business do we have
> David> doing things like: 
> [Setting up IP spoofing protection...]
>       Well, maybe we are closer to achieving a consensus about what
>  one should do wrt ip spoofing, and one does not seem to come to an
>  consensus about prompts.

Good point.  I still feel that it is missleading, or at the very
least, not detailed enough.

The script tells us:
        echo "Setting up IP spoofing protection."
but what it does is:
        # deny incoming packets pretending to be from
        # deny incoming packets pretending to be from our own system.
but only if you uncomment it.

I think that we should at the very least be a bit more descriptive of
what we are doing:

if [ -e /proc/ip_input ]
  echo "Denying incoming packets with spoofed address"

Especially since many people will still recompile their kernels and
possibly not realize that this feature has been disabled.  I think a
phrase such as the above is a bit more honest with hour users.  To
many new users who have heard of the advanced and stable networking of
linux, 'spoofing protection' might mean any number of things.  I think
we should be clear about this.

Incidentally, if we are decided to put this sort of thing in, it might
not be a bad idea to set up filters against spoofed packets going
*out* of the computer, to thwart attempts by people who have installed
linux as a quick way to launch an arsenal of nasties against other
people on the net.

I'd prefer to just see the whole thing commented out though...

David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw 

        Debian GNU/Linux - www.debian.org

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