Jeremy Stanley wrote:
>On 2022-04-19 01:27:46 +0100 (+0100), Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> Along with adding non-free firmware onto media, when the installer
>> (or live image) runs, we should make it clear exactly which
>> firmware packages have been used/installed to support detected
>> hardware. We could link to docs about each, and maybe also to
>> projects working on Free re-implementations.
>It's probably what you meant, but just to be clear, as a user I'd
>also want to know which of the firmware packages used/installed were
>pulled from non-free and what devices prompted their addition.
>Something like "The following packages do not meet Debian Free
>Software Guidelines but were installed because they're necessary in
>order to enable or secure some of your hardware: foo(CPUX21
>processor microcode), bar(PM2743 power management controller),
>baz(RF17G wireless interface), ..."
>This would allow me to make better informed decisions, such as:
>1. Disable some of these devices if I don't actually use them.
>2. Seek out alternative open peripherals which do work without
>proprietary firmware.
>3. Reach out to the manufacturer of my device and extol the virtues
>of open firmware.
>4. Consider (as you mentioned) working on my own reimplementation.

Nod, that's exactly what I was suggesting. More information for users
here helps them to make decisions like this, absolutely.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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