>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> writes:

    Paul> On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 2:22 AM Antonio Russo wrote:
    >> "Can one advertise non-free services in a Debian package?  Is
    >> doing so a violation of some Debian policy?

    Paul> There is no specific rule against this, but I feel that
    Paul> culturally Debian generally doesn't like this.

I agree with Paul's analysis.  For me that distinction is really
important.  I feel passionately that Debian should not forbid such
advertizing.  People should have the freedom to put advertizing in their
software, and we should have the freedom to ship it if we want to.  But
often the best choice for our users and the free software community
would be to exercise our freedom to modify the software and replace the 
with something else.

In  general, I think that letting individual package maintainers make
that decision is the best choice.

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