Am Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 09:23:48AM -0600 schrieb Sam Hartman: > So, even though I think the extensions to dpkg will also be complicated, > at a purely technical level, I think they are less complicated. > > I understand technical complexity is only part of the picture. > I understand the dpkg maintainer might make extending dpkg politically > challenging.
I took a look at the changelog and open issues of dpkg. The issues with symlinked dirs were known about 15 years ago. There's a lack of offers of help in those issues, and it seems a lack of volunteers to join the dpkg team. When he says "it would require new *features* to be implemented", I can understand the grumpyness when that means "new features that people have been calling bugs for 15 years, but are still asking when they'll be implemented without helping implement them". I don't know the people in this thread personally, there's surely more that has been said in person. However, just from the debate in this thread and the BTS, it seems the "politics" might be simply be a lack of volunteers compared to demands. Steve