On Lu, 25 ian 21, 19:35:25, Thomas Lange wrote:
> Another very odd thing I found.
> On https://www.debian.org/CD/faq/
> there's no hint about images including non-free firmware. No hint
> about firmware at all. And then this FAQ
> <quote>
> Where is the CD image with non-free?
>   .....
> Sometimes, someone is kind enough to create unofficial non-free CDs. If you 
> cannot find any links on this website, you can try asking on the debian-cd 
> mailing list.
> </quote>
> So we do not tell our users that we (the CD team I guess) already
> create these very usefull images including non-free firmware. And then
> we tell the users to search the link themselves. Not very friendly.

As far as I recall that entry refers to CDs with the entire non-free 
component of the archive, not just firmware packages (which were seldom 
or even inexistent at the time the FAQ was written).

Kind regards,

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