On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:27 PM Roberto C. Sánchez <robe...@debian.org>

> On Sun, Apr 07, 2019 at 10:13:58AM -0400, Peter Silva wrote:
> >    fwiw,  our organization doesn't have any debian devs.  We have a few
> >    packages that we develop and deploy
> >    for our internal needs, and make available to the internet with public
> >    repositories.  they are (perhaps not perfectly) debian compliant
> packages,
> >    but we aren't blessed debian devs (and frankly cannot be bothered to
> >    become them.)
> There are many Debian developers who work as consultants specifically on
> Debian-related work, either independently or as part of a company that
> offers Debian-related services.
> Since you have done most of the work, you could easily hire one of those
> folks to help with a small number of hours worth of effort to take the
> package through the process of getting it into Debian.
> You can post to the debian-jobs list or check the Debian consultants
> page on the main Debian website for candidates.
> Regards,
> -Roberto
> --
> Roberto C. Sánchez
Hiring debian devs to get the packages into debian proper could make sense.
One thing that dampens our enthusiasm for that at the moment is that our
packages are still very unstable, in the sense that the we are releasing
materially better version incrementally, say once or twice a month.  It is
sort of analogous to a rolling release.  That works fine with the launchpad
model, but if it gets baked into debian, then we need to support some
random old version for many years. Perhaps once it has stabilized, that
would be something we could work with, but for now, the launchpad.net
model, which supports backporting seamlesslly and allows to support the
same version on all distro versions, works better for us.  This is
something a debian version of launchpad would get us.

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