
This single sentence is quite ambiguous to non-native english speakers.

At the first glance I interpreted the sentence as
  "This will only lead to flamewars"
due to the meaning of bikeshed[1].

However, I got a hint from a fellow developer and learned that
"Bikeshed" has its own meaning under Debian's context, according
to some old mailing list fragments[2][3] -- which refers to a
dak feature (This is the first time I heard of such thing).

Do you mean I should stop and forget such thoughts, or just mean "This
is just the initiative of the 'Bikeshed' feature of dak"?

[1] https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bikeshed
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2013/05/msg00131.html
[3] http://debian.2.n7.nabble.com/DAK-Commands-for-Bikesheds-td3650941.html

On Sun, Apr 07, 2019 at 06:32:37PM +0500, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> Isn't the Bikesheds initiative just this?
> -- 

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