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On 02/12/2018 04:22 AM, Hideki Yamane wrote: > Hi, > > I've imported some git repo to salsa and tried to use its CI via > debian/.gitlab-ci.yml. As a harness, I want just get build dependency > packages and build source. Then, what's the simple way to get it? > > "apt-get build-dep" depends on uploaded package, not source in repo, > so it'd fail if its dependency would be changed. Using dpkg-scanpackages > is bit tough to parse output. I recently got this really neat hack from a Debian Developer Balasankar's .gitlab-ci.yml file. As I can see you have got an answer in the thread. just FYI, this is another way to do it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - export BUILD_DEPENDS=`perl -ne 'next if /^#/; $p=(s/^Build-Depends:\s*/ / or (/^ / and $p)); s/,|\n|\([^)]+\)//mg; print if $p' < debian/control` - apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends$BUILD_DEPENDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first is a neat perl hack to get the build-depends from the control file, and the second line installs them nicely. > > Any suggestions? > >