
Russ Allbery wrote:

> > Maria Bisen <mariabi...@gmail.com> writes:

> > It's been drawn to my attention the topic included in this thread:

> > https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2017-06/msg00084.html

> > I've got the feeling that the distribution the thread talks about is
> > precisely yours, Debian's. As stated there, giving support to lzip in
> > Debian seems feasable and easy. Could it be possible, then, to add
> > lzip support? : )

> > Besides, it seems that, among researchers, myself included, there are
> > voices demanding a more widespread use of lzip, as is the case of the
> > German doctor mentioned in that same thread.

> > I really think that including lzip support in a really important and
> > well-known distribution as Debian will help users everywhere.

> One possibly important clarification: Debian already supports lzip, in the
> sense that lzip is packaged for Debian and can be installed like any other
> package.  Anyone who wants to use it on their Debian system can do so.  So
> if you'd like to use it for your research, please go ahead!

> There is a separate discussion about replacing the compression used
> internally in Debian packages with lzip, but that discussion is only about
> Debian internals and is irrelevant to (and would go unnoticed by) 99% of
> the people who use Debian.  It has no impact on use of lzip on Debian
> systems for whatever purpose.

First of all, thank you for your kind and sympathetic message. I'm referring to 
the second option you mentioned. We are using gcc, and it seems that a reason 
to not use lzip in gcc is that Debian doesn't support source tarballs in lzip 

Anyway, as I've said, I was just asking if it was possible to have lzip support 
in Debian, and I was hoping for an answer such as your own or the one from 
Christoph Bield, and not having to read a meaningless discussion.


Maria Bisen

PS: lzip version available in Debian is 1.16, but the last one is 1.19. Maybe 
it's time to update! :)

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