Holger Levsen writes ("use long keyid-format in gpg.conf (Re: Key collisions in the wild"): > I'm somewhat surprised by this mail… or rather by you appearantly > knowing about the issue but still you seem to not have acted as advised, > so let me repeat: everybody, please put "keyid-format long" into your > ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf!
I am dismayed to once again see advice which suggests that systematic security bugs in the default behaviour of gnupg should be addressed on an ad-hoc basis by individual users editing their personal configuration. It would be much better to put out a stable release update to change the default. (Probably not a security update because of the risk of causing currently-vulnerable scripts to become nonfunctional, which is not something we normally do in security updates.) Even if long keyids are not sufficient, they are a big improvement and we should not let fixing this problem properly stand in the way of doing what we can, now. Ian.