On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 03:29:35PM +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> To avoid unpleasant situations like this, I recommend to never combine roles
> of upstream and Debian maintainer.
> If you wrote something cool, instead of uploading it to ftp-master, write a
> blog post about it. If it's really as awesome as you think it is, somebody
> else will package it for Debian.

I'm not sure that is entirely sure. For anything with wide appeal,
it's probably going to happen, but something that'll only have a few
hundred or a few thousand users, it probably won't. For a package to
happen, you need not just users, and awesomeness, but also people with
the skills and time to do the packaging.

I would suggest, however, that it would be good good to give at least
several days after the ITP was posted, to gather feedback.

It would certainly be good to have a discussion about what criteria of
packages we want to allow. We have historically drawn lines primarily
based on software freedom and malice. Do we want to add requirements
on quality (however we want to define that), popularity, duplication
of features with existing software, or other things?

Disclaimer: I author and maintain in Debian a program for a similar
purpose as what this ITP is about, though it doesn't support FTP, and
so probably isn't directly useful to Carl. I make no comments for or
against this ITP.

Schrödinger's backup hypothesis: the condition of any backup is
undefined until a restore is attempted. -- andrewsh

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